...Colorado ASDA presents Thrush Week! Thrush Week is series of events during the first week of school that ASDA is hosting as an introduction to the new school year. Both the incoming Class of 2018 and current students are invited to register, and participation is a must! Participants will be arranged into teams where they will compete to earn "diamonds." The team with the most diamonds at the end of the week will win the Cup of Carabelli and have their names engraved on a plaque! And now, because of a grant we received from national ASDA, students will be able to attend all of the week's events for FREE! The events include:
Monday 8/11: Meet and Greet from 5:30-7:30pm.
Meet your Thrush Week team over snacks and prepare to battle for the Cup of Carabelli!
Tuesday 8/12: Dental School Selfie Contest.
Post your best dental school selfie on Instagram or Twitter and tag #ThrushWeek and you could win 5 diamonds for your team! However, following Colorado ASDA on Instagram or Twitter is a requirement to win!
Wednesday 8/13: Lunchtime Sports from 12:00-12:50pm.
Enjoy your lunch break outdoors with us and play some volleyball, ultimate frisbee or just relax in the sun. Your team will win participation diamonds just for coming!
Thursday 8/14: Dental Joke Contest.
Have a hilarious dental joke? Submit it as a post here on Colorado ASDA's blog, The Colorado Quickset. The winner will receive diamonds for their team. However, remember to like Colorado ASDA on Facebook in order to win!
Friday 8/15: Initiation Lunch and Learn from 12:00-12:50pm (Class of 2018 only).
Come join us for free food and learn about everything that makes ASDA so worthwhile!

Then, for the finale, on August 16th, all students registered for Thrush Week are cordially invitedto participate in the Amalgames! This is a dentathlon (dental decathlon) tournament comprised of 10 challenges that include events such as the Inlay Onlay Relay Race, Mulberry Molar Pie Eating Contest, and much more. Alongside your Thrush Week team, all will continue the race to win the ultimate prize: the Cup of Carabelli (see picture on the right). The team bestowed this high honor will be pronounced the "Crowned Knight Guards of Anschutz" and their names will be engraved on a plaque in their honor. The Cup of Carabelli and the plaque are kept on campus so that everyone will know of the winning team's glory!
Please join us as we welcome the new students and begin the new school year!
To participate in Thrush Week and the Amalgames, register now at
For more information about the Amalgames visit the official website at
~Lauren Llorente, Class of 2017, DS1 Orientation Committee Chair