Class III Composite Restoration- X2045

This competency is considered skill level 1, 2, or 3 and can be challenged beginning of the spring semester of your D3 year. There is no required minimum threshold before you can challenge this competency, but there is a recommended timeline (see the Operative Competencies section below).

The competency consists of a class III composite prep and restoration. The lesion tooth must have a proximal contact.

You must inform your covering faculty that you are challenging this competency prior to the appointment beginning. The X-code can be planned chair-side.

Grading will be completed on axiUm and consists of a self-evaluation section and 2 faculty graded sections (one for each faculty grader). For grading criteria, click on the link below:

Operative Competencies Form

*Operative Competencies

You must complete 3 total Operative Competencies for graduation which include:

  • Class II Virgin Composite (required)

  • Other (Class II Amalgam, Class III Composite or Class II Composite)

  • Other (Class II Amalgam, Class III Composite or Class II Composite)

There is no required minimum threshold before these competencies can be completed, but there is a recommended timeline:

  • Spring DS3: 1 competency (skill level 1)

  • Summer DS3: 1 competency (skill level 2)

  • Fall DS4: 1 competency (skill level 3)

You will need 2 faculty to grade you for your competency (at least 1 must be full-time). Your covering faculty will need to give you a start check, check your rubber dam isolation, give you a prep check, a final restoration check (after the rubber dam is removed and occlusion is checked/adjusted), and approve your mods (see Mods section below). The second faculty will only need to see the lesion before you start, the prep before you restore, and your final restoration.

A treatment form should be attached to the X-code. Part of it must be filled out prior to starting treatment, another part must be filled out prior to starting the restoration, and the last part is for requesting modifications (0r "mods") to your prep.


Anytime you think your prep should extend beyond the "ideal," you must request a mod. Your mod request should be formatted so that it includes where you want to extend the prep, how much, and for what reason (eg: extend the gingival floor 1mm due to remaining caries). After you have typed out your mod request in the appropriate section on the form, inform your covering faculty that you are requesting a mod. They will either approve your mod or deny it. If they approve it, you can move forward. If they deny it, you will need to reevaluate your plan.

Skill Level

The timeline above outlines when your Operative Competencies should be challenged and which skill level they should be. Below is the skill level descriptions:

Skill Level 1:

  • Class I Amalgam (simple pits excluded; new carious lesion required)

  • Class II Amalgam

  • Class V Amalgam

  • Class I Composite (simple pits excluded; new carious lesion required)

  • Class III Composite

  • Class V Composite (must be a new carious lesion or replacement of defective restoration)

Skill Level 2:

  • Class I Amalgam (simple pits excluded; new carious lesion required)

  • Class II Amalgam

  • Class V Amalgam

  • Complex restoration (not a build-up or foundation for a crown)

  • Class I Composite (simple pits excluded; new carious lesion required)

  • Class II Composite

  • Class III Composite

  • Class IV Composite

  • Class V Composite (must be a new carious lesion or replacement of defective restoration)

  • Class V Glass Ionomer (must be a new carious lesion)

Skill Level 3:

  • Class II Amalgam

  • Class V Amalgam

  • Complex restoration (not a build-up or foundation for a crown)

  • Class II Composite

  • Class III Composite

  • Class IV Composite

  • Class V Composite (must be a new carious lesion or replacement of defective restoration)

  • Class V Glass Ionomer (must be a new carious lesion)

  • Class II gold inlay Gold onlay