What Does It Mean to Be Ideal?

12829541_10153992014986465_2465502975469493207_o I-de-al (adj):  satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.

Ideal is a word we think we understand. A word we often use to describe our goals and ambitions. A word we hope people use to describe us. Colorado ASDA recently won the Gold Crown Award for Ideal ASDA at the 2016 Annual Session in Dallas, Texas.  This means that our chapter, among the 65 ASDA chapters nationwide, exemplifies what is considered a perfect ASDA chapter.

Ideal ASDA means our chapter successfully completed items in multiple categories such as membership, communication, activities, pre-dental involvement, and advocacy. On a chapter level, membership, communication, and activities are the direct benefits a student has by being involved at the local level. This includes the how-to guides, TAD talks, lunch and learns, as well as leadership opportunities. Remember back to 2013 and imagine what ASDA looked like then: basically free pizza only 3 times a semester or so. A huge improvement in our chapter involved delegating fundraising, which resulted in students being served gourmet meals several times a week, and learning about our sponsors simply for being an ASDA member.

To the shock and dismay of the admissions committee, students do not seek out community outreach activities once accepted into dental school, yet many still want to be involved. Our ASDA chapter organizes community outreach opportunities for those individuals, and provides a variety of ways for students to give back to our community. These frequent events are some of the best opportunities for members to get involved in our chapter without committing to a leadership position.

Not only does our chapter provide for the students of our own dental school, but Colorado ASDA is a huge resource for pre-dental students in the state. One of the main goals of our chapter is to increase pre-dental involvement, and we have a committee designed to facilitate this. In the past year, our chapter has helped create pre-dental clubs at our local universities, as well as involving pre-dental students in dental school such as a leadership workshops.

Perhaps the most beautiful part of being Ideal ASDA, is that we give a home to everyone who wants to participate, whether it’s just attending lunch and learns or  obtaining a leadership position. ASDA is unique in that it is the only organization at our school that all students are members of. If it weren’t for the efforts of our leadership and the participation of our membership, our chapter could never have achieved the prestigious Ideal ASDA award. Thank you to all of our members for making this the best chapter ever!


If you want to become more involved in our chapter, please contact any Colorado ASDA Executive member.